About Us
Meet the Founder:
Amina is a cosmetology educator, continuing education sponsor and mentor to many of her former students who are trailblazers in the hair industry. She currently operates as a freelance master educator for her very own platform: I am my Brand Educational Series. Amina is currently celebrating over 30 years as a licensed Cosmetologist. She is an advocate for Salons against Domestic Violence and gives back by empowering, motivating and educating women to find their power from within while pursuing a career in the Arts. Through her service she has allotted women the opportunity to be state-tested ready to become license cosmetologists. These efforts have afforded many women to build independency and become career driven. Amina lives by this very model: “I am my Brand.” She would say that this mantra allows her to take inventory on herself daily, to make sure is she showing up with integrity, authenticity and compassion as a mother, grandmother, educator and friend. In 2018, Amina furthered her education, successfully receiving her Doctor of Science in Trichology with the Art of Science in all areas of Cosmetology in the Beauty Culture Industry. When Dr. Amina is not teaching you can find her taking a spa day downtown Chicago or having a much-needed candid conversation with a dear friend over tea and fresh fruit.
Educator,Coach,Trainer&FormerMizani Artist